
Chandogya Upanishad

A Sattva course and powerful guide to intelligent living by Master Anand Mehrotra.

Let The Lotus of Your Heart Blossom

Brilliance is coded within the silence of existence. There are structures within the field which when exposed to the right catalyst generate a phenomenal sequence. When we water the root, cultivate right associations and a fertile ground for brilliance to express itself, then, as weather changes, newer possibilities open up for us, our gifts, our genius, start to blossom and when we can live from this deeper place of awareness, we experience the unfolding of majesty in front of our eyes.

“The one who is awakening to his atman nature, transcending limited identity, gaining unity with the luminous Brahman, beginning to see himself beyond the body, gains immortality. The greater the unity in the subjective experience, the greater the freedom in all worlds, this world and beyond.”

– Anand Ji

A Unique Opportunity

You will receive lifetime access to the course for $489 USD.

Own this Course ($489)

  • Explore the three fundamental domains of experience with Anand Ji – Karma Kanda (activity), Upasana Kanda (fine feeling), Gyana Kanda (knowledge)
  • Learn to live Veda instead of just thinking Veda
  • Explore cosmic consciousness, causal memory, satya sankalpa and the triangle of grace
  • Come out of the repetitive loops of karma and create what you truly want in this world
  • Discover what happens at body death
  • Explore the sequential unfolding of Vak (speech) and the creative power that is has
  • Go beyond the mind, access the domain of Saraswati and harness that Veda
  • Learn to activate the code of brilliance within you and awaken your genius
  • Discover how to create sustainable enlightenment
  •  Allow the cosmic nervous system to take you over
Own This Course

How it works

  1. 13 chapters, 13 videos of approx. 1 hours each, taught by Himalayan Master Anand Mehrotra
  2. Downloadable 13 page Chandogya Upanishad course review (PDF handout)
  3. Total running time is approximately 13 hours
  4. Lifetime access to listen and re-listen
  5. Complete this course in your own time from your device of choice

This course is designed for you if

    • You want to learn from the source.
    • You are interested in receiving authentic, pure, undiluted teachings.
    • You want to understand the nature of reality and the nature of Self.
    • You are looking to radically shift your life.
    • You want to make real progress in this life.
    • You are ready to embrace teachings presented in a contemporary, integrated manner.
    • You want to access teachings that are intellectually deep, profound and spiritually enlivening.
    • You want to be a part of a sangha, a vibrant, global community of like-minded people.
    • You want to awaken the lotus of the heart.
    • You want to learn to live intelligently.
    • You want to grow, thrive and live a life you truly appreciate.
    • You want to open up a whole new reality for yourself.
    • You want to experience the extraordinary.

Course Overviews

    Explore the three fundamental domains of experience with Anand Ji and learn to live a Vedic life. Karma Kanda is the domain of activity, the limbs of the Veda. Upasana Kanda is the domain of inner experience and fine feeling, the heart of the Veda. Gyana Kanda is the domain of knowledge, the head of the Veda. We need to be living Veda, not just thinking Veda. Veda at the level of thought, Veda at the level of fine feeling and experience, Veda at the level of action. When you are in alignment, you can accomplish a lot more with less. Align.

  • 1 Video
  • 1 PDF Handouts

    In this wisdom meeting, Anand Ji explores the triangle of grace along with the dual invitation of the opening invocation of the Chandogya Upanishad and the culture of Samavad. Allow the dharma to come alive within you, to become your living reality.

  • 1 Video

    We want no ignorance at the level of causal memory. Past life samskaras are held at this level and they bubble up. And when they do, if you are not alert, you will them into existence again, so you keep dreaming the same dream over and over again. Explore cosmic consciousness, causal memory and satya sankalpa with Anand Ji. Discover how to come out of the repetitive loops of karma so that you can create what you truly want in this world.

  • 1 Video

    The breath we breathe, the food we eat, all our life is a result of relationship, sambandha, yet we can remain unaware of it and when we are unaware, there can be suffering. But the purpose of life is not suffering. The purpose of life is to increase love, to grow. What is it that we need to know in order to evolve? How can we allow the cosmic nervous system to take us over? Explore this and more with Anand Ji now. We emerge from Ananda, we are sustained through Ananda, and unto Ananda we will return. Sat Chit Ananda.

  • 1 Video

    Embrace the experiences of life which are challenging. For the wise being they are all gifts of God, gifts from Divine Mother. Open your heart and embrace them further. Join Anand Ji and transcend where you are. Grow beyond that. Then all experience becomes part of your evolutionary journey. Grow and become gold!

  • 1 Video

    Join Anand Ji as he explores the inherent longing in the individual to love and the two aspects of existence, the eternal nature of atman and the temporal nature of all roles, along with what happens at body death.

  • 1 Video

    Samskaric seeds and brilliance are both held at the level of silence. Join Anand Ji for this meeting and learn to roast these seeds and tap into your genius. No matter what we experience, somewhere within that experience is the possibility of gaining greater intimacy with sat, with the Self, with the sacred. When we can live from this deeper place of awareness, we experience the unfolding of majesty in front of our eyes.

  • 1 Video

    Explore the sequential unfolding of Vak and the creative power that it has in this meeting with Anand Ji. Know Vak as Brahman so that you can roam this world in immense freedom. Go beyond the mind, access the domain of Saraswati and harness that Veda.

  • 1 Video

    Spirituality is about living intelligently. It's not about running away from anything. It’s about embodying this life more. In this wisdom meeting, Anand Ji explores seriousness, sincerity, resentment, short-term emotions versus chronic states and the higher values of each emotion so that we can grow, thrive, and live a life we truly love and appreciate.

  • 1 Video

    Brilliance is coded within us. Code is a memory. It’s already embedded and when you expose it to a catalyst (the water, the soil, the environment), there is a sequential unfolding where that code gets expressed as a banyan tree. At the deepest level of yourself is the memory of your own essential nature. Join Anand Ji and learn how to activate the code and awaken your genius.

  • 1 Video

    All people intuitively know that there is something special at the heart level of our localized expression. There is a very specific experience available to us when we tune into the heart. Join Anand Ji now as he explores a conversation happening within the field of consciousness concerning the first stage of illumination, the first cognition that happens within the journey of the atman, that which is held within the lotus of the heart.

  • 1 Video

    This whole lila is bliss. This is the Yog-Vedantic view. But to know this one has to cross the bridge from living in the ego land to the atman land. The one who is able to cross the bridge is the one who is truly free. In that crossing, darkness fades while luminosity persists. The greater the unity in the subjective experience, the greater the freedom in all worlds, this world and beyond. Explore desire, soulmates, soul groups and the difference between entitlement and deserving power in this session with Anand Ji and start to cross that bridge for yourself.

  • 1 Video

    Explore the meaning of brahmacharya and how to create sustainable enlightenment with Anand Ji. Begin to see spirit in movement. Begin to realize how marvelous this whole thing is, this and beyond. Open up a whole new reality for yourself. Experience the extraordinary.

  • 1 Video

“This whole lila (play) is bliss but to know this one has to cross the bridge from living in the ego land to the atman land. The one who is able to cross the bridge is the one who is truly free. In that crossing, darkness fades while luminosity persists.”

– Anand Ji

What The Community Is Saying

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the nature of reality
  • Understand the nature of Self
  • Align yourself with higher intelligence in a deeper way
  • Gain clear insight on how to make radical shifts in your life
  • Discover the power of Sankalpa (intention initiated at the subtlest level of being)
  • Align your will with the will of totality
  • Elevate your state
  • Move in the direction of greater love, joy, stability, meaning
  • Learn to live Sat Chit Ananda

“The one who is awakening to his atman nature, transcending limited identity, gaining unity with the luminous Brahman, beginning to see himself beyond the body, gains immortality. The greater the unity in the subjective experience, the greater the freedom in all worlds, this world and beyond.”

– Anand Ji

Gain lifetime access to this course for

$489 USD

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