Risk Disclosure
Risk Disclosure
Investors are informed to carefully read the risk disclosures before making any investment decisions. Investors are also informed that Jericho’s Risk Disclosure policy may not contain all possible risks that can arise from investment objectives, investment strategies and asset allocations. Hence, the risks in the disclosure are just estimates, and can differ from what actually occurs.
In the light of the risks involved, investors should undertake transactions only if they understand the nature of the relationship into which they are entering, and the extent of their exposure to risk. Any information contained in this document must not be construed as business advice. No consideration should be made without thoroughly understanding and reviewing the risks involved. If you are unsure, you must seek professional advice on the same.
Investors are advised to carefully review the disclosure papers, agreements, investment documents, and other related credentials carefully and consult their legal, tax and financial advisors, if they want, to determine any possible legal, tax and financial or any other consequences of investing before making any final investment decisions.
In this regard, you should be aware of the following points:
- Equities as an asset class carry a higher risk in comparison to debt. While risk cannot be totally eliminated, it can be mitigated through a well-designed investment strategy. But, there are other external factors involved like volatility of the market, misjudgements or unfavourable political or socio economic conditions due to which this objective may not be fully achieved.
- Political, Economic and / or Related Risks:
The value of the portfolio may be affected by changes in government policy, changes in tax laws, interest rates, as well as social or religious instability, political, economic or other developments in the country. - Industry Risk:
There are factors that can positively or negatively impact a specific industry and, by association, all the companies in it. - The Indian Securities Market Risk:
As seen in the past, the Indian stock markets usually have experienced extensive price volatility. Keeping this in mind, the actual market trend may vary, with the projected, or predicted trends. - Liquidity Risk:
The investors should understand that some instruments they have invested might not be highly liquid.
Apart from the five risks mentioned above, other risks or uncertainties include, but are not limited to, exposure to market risks, general economic and political conditions in other countries, the monetary and interest policies of India, inflation, unanticipated turbulence in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices, the performance of the financial markets in India and globally, changes in domestic and foreign laws, regulations and taxes and changes in competition in the industry.